We envision a campus connected through making, with makerspaces forming communities of interdisciplinary collaboration that embody the diversity and inclusivity of our University. We can realize this vision for making@stanford by supporting the people that mentor our student makers, enabling accessible making courses in every discipline, and building connections between making communities across campus.
Making Spaces
Stanford offers a diverse range of making spaces across schools and departments on campus. These spaces support thousands of students through classes, workshops, and open working hours. Browse the labs, shops, and studios listed below to get involved making at Stanford!
Funding Programs
The making@stanford Funding Programs directly fund design and making education at Stanford, support research on making in education, and recognize outstanding members of our educational community.
News & Events
Students Dive into Dynamic Discoveries Through Independent Studies
Students are embracing independent studies, exploring diverse topics and conducting experiments. This self-directed approach fosters creativity, critical thinking, and personalize -
Spring 2024 Funding Round
making@stanford continues awarding funds to support core making classes and ground breaking experimental student experiences -
making@stanford Sparks Student Making in Academic Year 2023-2024
In 2023-2024, making@stanford ignited student creativity and innovation, providing resources to turn ideas into impactful projects and enhancing hands-on learning on campus.