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Call for Spring Funding Proposals

We are excited to announce several new programs to fund design and making education at Stanford and support research on making in education.

We are excited to announce several new programs to fund design and making education at Stanford, support research on making in education, and recognize outstanding members of our educational community. Four programs directly fund courses, making spaces, and other educational activities at Stanford: Maker Fellows, Making Mentors, Making Materials, and Making Equipment. One program will support Research on Making in Education, and one will recognize Hands-on Heroes among our student, staff, and faculty educators. We anticipate distributing about $1M in funding this cycle, with additional calls for proposals in each quarter for at least two years. This round of funding is made possible by a generous gift from Autodesk.

All applications are due Friday, May 19, 2023

Maker Fellows

The Maker Fellows program provides funding for student course assistants, student shop monitors, and other part-time student employees to support courses with a substantial physical design and making component, makerspaces that emphasize education, or other activities essential to the making@stanford mission.

Making Mentors

The Making Mentors program provides funding for lecturers, teaching staff, and expert practitioners to teach courses with a substantial physical design and making component, provide individualized student support in our education-focused makerspaces, or lead related educational activities.

Making Materials

The Making Materials program provides materials for student design projects in making courses and makerspaces.

Making Equipment

The Making Equipment program provides funding for equipment to enable or enhance making courses, help makerspaces reach their full potential, or promote other activities essential to the making@stanford mission.

New courses or activities can be proposed by applying to one or more of the above programs and linking proposals within each form. For all of the above programs, proposals will be evaluated based on educational impact. We encourage applicants to consider the principles behind the making@stanford initiative, the problems that it seeks to address, and the priorities for funding physical design and making activities, described at the About Page.

Research on Making in Education

The Research on Making in Education program supports research on the use of physical design and making in education, with an emphasis on research into the interactions between making and discipline-specific learning goals, development of soft skills, and the formation community.

Hands-on Heroes

The Hands-on Heroes program seeks to recognize faculty, lecturers, and student educators, such as Course Assistants, who are particularly dedicated to education involving physical design and making.

Each of these programs builds upon what we've learned from the making@stanford pilot program, funded by the University as part of the Strategic Planning process. You can learn more about these ongoing activities at the Pilot Projects Post.

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